Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I purchased shares in Walmart today at $43.81 per share. The company reported they will cut back on spending to build new stores and tighten cost controls as sales growth slows over the next three years. Many analysts welcomed the move to focus on keeping more of the cash Wal-Mart generates rather than spending furiously on new stores.
Increased free cash flow, or the money left over after a company pays its expenses including capital expenditures, could make Wal-Mart shares more attractive by funding higher dividends, new technologies or acquisitions."Strong free cash flow is the key to corporate flexibility and potential growth. Wal-Mart, which is finding fewer places to build new stores and faces tougher competition from other retailers, said sales will continue to slow after years of strong double-digit growth.
I also purchased more shares in Citigroup on Oct. 19 at $42.39 per share. It has been hammered hard for their sub prime loans but they still have more credit cards issued than any other company and I think now is a great time to buy a premier company like Citigroup at the lowest price in almost 5 years. They pay a 5.1 percent dividend which I think is safe, so I'll sit on them and collect the dividend and wait for them to get their act together. If they would fire their CEO, Chuck Prince you will see the price rise a few points in one day.
Buy when no one else wants to and the pessimism is running high. All week the press has been hammering Citigroup and today Walmart. I remember when no one else wanted Coca Cola (KO) and I bought in the low 40's, it's now trading at $59.75 and guess who recommended it last Friday as a buy on their show, Jim Cramer of Mad Money. Be patient, collect those fat dividends, reinvest them, and wait for better days. These are premier companies who will be around long after we are gone.

Monday, October 8, 2007


I purchased shares in Barrick Gold Corp. today at $40.53 per share. The target price is $48.00 which I hope will hit within the next year. Gold is in an upward trend and last week I sold Newmont Mining (NEM) and am now replacing with Barrick which I think is a better gold producer.