Thursday, May 17, 2007


I purchased shares in Toyota Motors today (TM) at $121.28 per share. Toyota is the only large car company left that is growing and improving. They are on the cutting edge by being first on the market with hybrids and continue to invest in the future.
Toyota cars last and they get good gas mileage, which is getting more important every day with gas prices north of $3.00 per gallon. We've seen misery at both Ford and GM and in recent days Chrysler looks like it's going private. Toyota is not saddled with the large pension costs as it's compeitors and is non-union, thus lower labor costs.
I think now is a good entry point for the premier auto company out there. They always seem to get it right, something that can't be said for GM and Ford.

I also took a small position today in IShares MSCI Japan Index (EWJ) at $14.26 per share. It's largest holding is Toyota.
The investment seeks to provide investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance of publicly traded securities in the Japanese market, as measured by the MSCI Japan index. The fund normally invests at least 95% of assets in the securities of its underlying index and in ADRs based on the securities in its underlying index. It uses a representative sampling strategy to try to track the index. The index consists of stocks traded primarily on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It is nondiversified.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I sold my positions in Caterpillar and Washington Mutual today. They both had a quick run up in price and I still like both companies but feel I must take some profits here.
Caterpillar was sold at $73.41 per share. I held it for 3 month and realized a 16.3 percent profit.
Washington Mutual was sold at $42.56 per share and was held for 1 month and I realized a 9 percent profit.
I've made mistakes in the past by selling to early but have also found it in my favor by selling and then when the price goes back down buying again. You can never time your trades perfectly to the top and bottom of a stock range but you also can't go broke by taking profits when a stock has a nice run up in a short amount of time.
I will continue to watch both of these stocks and if they take a tumble I would not hesitate to get back in both of them.