Thursday, May 10, 2007


I sold my positions in Caterpillar and Washington Mutual today. They both had a quick run up in price and I still like both companies but feel I must take some profits here.
Caterpillar was sold at $73.41 per share. I held it for 3 month and realized a 16.3 percent profit.
Washington Mutual was sold at $42.56 per share and was held for 1 month and I realized a 9 percent profit.
I've made mistakes in the past by selling to early but have also found it in my favor by selling and then when the price goes back down buying again. You can never time your trades perfectly to the top and bottom of a stock range but you also can't go broke by taking profits when a stock has a nice run up in a short amount of time.
I will continue to watch both of these stocks and if they take a tumble I would not hesitate to get back in both of them.

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