Friday, June 29, 2007


I have decided to take some profits and sell several stocks today. I still hold positions in GE, Sarah Lee, and Gabelli Utility Trust and sold partial positions in them.

GE sold @ 38.24 for a 12.5 percent profit and held for 1 year and 10 months. Remember it pays a 3 percent dividend so I collected that while I held the stock so my real return was around 17 percent, when divided by 1 year and 10 months equals a yearly return of 7 .79 percent.

Sarah Lee (SLE) sold at $17.56 and held for 10 months for a 18.3 percent return. Sarah Lee pays a 2.3 percent dividend.

Gabelli Utility Trust (GUT) sold at $9.73 and held for 6 months for a 6.5 percent return. Gabelli pays a 7.6 percent dividend so real return with dividend is close to 10 percent on an anualized basis.

This one gets a little more complicated. I bought 100 shares of Philip Morris (MO) 9 months ago. While I held it, it spun off Kraft Foods (KFT) and I got 69 shares in the spinoff. So I now had 100 shares of Philip Morris and 60 shares of Kraft. I sold the MO at $70.44 and the Kraft at $35.48. My return was 20.3 percent over a 9 month period and this includes the dividend paid.

I am going to wait a while to invest the money and will hold it in my money market account until then.

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